A DRV 32TK3 was at the top of our 'possible' list. We wound up with the Alpenlite 34RLR, a very similar floorplan. Huge galley work area.
The LOA is a big issue if planning to do many SPs, NPs & BLMs. The commercial CGs will cram you in no matter the size. Our 34RLR is just under 36'LOA. We prefer the SPs & NPs so the rig was chosen with length in mind. We have been in some SPs that supposedly have a 30' limit. The policy is usually if you can fit, you can stay. Fit often means the back is hanging out in space past the designated site pad. No way to use stabilizers.
Much has to do with the skill of driver & director. If the DW is the one who sits in the passenger seat holding the itty bitty dog till the rig is parked or the driver does not take directions well, then possible sites are limited still further.
Going over that 35-36' mark the potential number of available sites drops rapidly.