A combination of Google Earth and Zillow (both free) will let you look, States have tourism offices and will send info, weather can be found on CofC sites, lots of armchair travel can be done using your computer.
Google Earth shows satellite views and street views(in some areas) and Zillow lists a lot of properties for sale.
Long term sites are good but some have steep fees, careful investigation will weed those out.
Florence OR is a really neat Town. I'd offer the name of a realtor or two but they are a niece and a grand niece and that might be commercialism. The town has changed since my first summer there in 1949 and IMHO, mostly for the better. In the spirit of Beer Belly's in "Q", there is an Evening Adult Care Center called, Voyagers Cove in Old Town. Good food, nice location and LOUD LIVE MUSIC. It can be distracting but agreeably so.
Don't count on the Town's RV park, it is run for the benefit of the locals in my opinion. If I was a local, I'd get a summer spot there.
Good luck in your search.