2lazy4U wrote:
Be aware that a lot of the reviews on Trip Advisor and such are faked by the dental clinics.
Also be aware that "unethical" American dentist plant horror stories about Mexico dentist and their work, too. I have had Mexican dental work since I was a teenager in the 50's and have NOTHING but good to say about their work. In Algodones, many of the dentist are American trained, have superior equipment to most American dental offices and because they do NOT have to have "mandatory" malpractice insurance and "mandatory" liability insurance and "mandatory" medical group requirements, or have to live in a multi million dollar mansion, they can price their services at a point most folks can afford.
I had a friend who is an American dentist look at the work I had done in Mexico and he said it was far superior to many procedures he had seen preformed by American dentists, so just because it is done in the US, does NOT make it any better.
Dental Betel, who we use in Algodones, will fill out your American Dental Insurance papers and our insurance pays us, just like if we were in the US.