Lots of states are having budget issues and attempting to close various state parks. Very sad!
Michigan, on the other hand has over 100 fine state parks and is adding more each year which is so positive and good! Michigan State Parks are not state funded like most others are! Doing well is mostly because of the difference in how the parks are funded and operated compared to most of the other various states. They are not seasonal stay parks and have a 14 day limit per stay per park. They are "campgrounds for RV's and even tents" with most having new very modern fine large bathrooms and private door showers "free" with all having handicapped access. Some full hookup state parks but most with 30 and 50 amp electric, dump stations and have pure clean water in the park, required by the state!
Pure tasteless water seems to be an exception in many to most of the state parks in the 49 continental states we've RV'ed in extensively over the last 52 years. Most other state's state parks usually have foul tasting water and it sucks! Yes, we are particular as having always lived on the shore of Lake Michigan for 74 years and always having fabulous pure tasteless water. Even coffee tastes so different and so much better with good water! Michigan State Parks are not being a place for long time living/camping as they are there for everyone, not just a few!
Michigan State Parks are self-funded and alive and well without being state funded because not only the proceeds from daily or annual entrance fees from residents or out-of-state users and CG use fees etc, but in large part by the implementation of a one time a year $11 fee added option choice to a resident's license plate tab and having a "P" on the tab. The "P" is for the "Recreational Passport" option and gives total year long free entrance to any Michigan State Park as many times as you want for the whole year. Ultra cheap and why it's so extremely popular and thus adds hundreds of millions of dollars to fund our state parks alone. There's other additional State Park funds it creates too!
Not only does it work great for all 3, the state budget, the people's budget, and the state park's budget but also brings in even more additional funds due to the higher CG usage of the campsites with the camping fees paid. A win all the way around!
Out-of-state users are wise to purchase the annual pass if going to any Michigan State Park 4 or more days/times in the year as it saves money and who doesn't want that?