If this was my favorite spot I would ask the Land Manager what I could do personally to reopen the spot to camping. If the Ephrata office is close by, I would show up in person (WITHOUT appointment) and politely but firmly ask my questions face-to-face. I would also do my best not to look like the kind of riff-raff the land manager is trying to exclude.
In the tug-of-war over land use, an organization of local residents will usually prevail because they are the more likely voters. Low-level politicians can actually do some good here if a fire is lit under them.
If the OP is concerned about a trend in closures--well, yes. There are just too many small holdings in every agency. These properties require the same manpower as a larger one, but usually lack the marquee value of a "Yosemite" or "Yellowstone". If the property is important, it's time to get involved.