jeeperdude10 wrote:
We will be leaving Amarillo, Tx to Mesa Verde National Park, and will be taking 2 days getting there, planning on stopping in Albuquerque, NM for a few days, seeing the sights and making day trips. Eventually ending up in near Mesa Verde National Park. Any advice, must see sights, need to see sights, should see sights, day trips nearby and park suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks for your input....first time this way and want to take advantage of it all!!!!
What sort of time frame are you dealing with? Leaving within a few days/weeks, or planning for later in the season? Do you have a specific destination at Mesa Verde? Staying inside the park at Morefield, or one of the commercial CG/RV parks outside in the Mancos or Cortez areas?
If you're leaving soon, as mentioned, you'll need to get reservations for some of the popular sites inside Mesa Verde. Also if you're planning on staying at Morefield, hopefully you already have reservations there. If you have some time to tour the area, there's a lot to see and do in the Cortez/Mancos/Durango area. Just need to know what sort of time constraints you may have.