WiFi not working led to dishonesty / ethics issues. They blatantly lied telling me that wifi was bad / down throughout town. Took the laptop down to McDonalds and it worked fine. And even tried one other place and fine.
I need wifi at times for important reasons. I have wound up at places that have marginal wifi - and I might have expected better - but they are upfront with me and even suggest where I might go close by to meet my needs. I would never, ever badmouth someone who did that.
Add to that the huge water leak in their irrigation system that they could not get fixed while we were there though they fiddled with it off and on. And more.
My main issue with them, as it would be any business I deal with, is lack of honesty / ethics. It is not the way I was raised, not the way I did business and not what I do in my personal life.
That may be seen as "one issue" but it was more and dishonesty is not an issue, it is business conduct.
Many of you know me on here very well. I am honest and I really do not complain unless there is real justification.
We have been to 178 different RV parks and I have only registered complaints on 2 in the over 18 years we have been part time RVing. Both on ethics issues.
For what it is worth, now you know the basics.
OK, time to grill dinner.