jgrimes wrote:
What are you looking for? What do you like to do? Work? In town or out? Your request is way too broad to respond to. Are you thinking you can like in your camper during the winter? I have lived in Missoula, Helena and (now) Kalispell. I'd suggest you come and spend the summer in each location and get a feel for what you want. And, then, plan to spend a winter. It's really not that horrible, unless you've never spent time in the northern part of the country.
Ideally, 20+ acres where I can set up an archery/shooting range, maybe a few horses and cows to raise, a shop to putter and a place for my wife to have a garden, photography, biking, fishing, hiking, 4-wheeling. We are an outdoor family but the summers and being around so many people are really starting to take a toll on me and my psyche.
I want a slower pace of life and a better quality of life, and that won't happen in a suburb of Ft Worth Texas. I want to walk out of the house and be able to feel alive, not just a rat trapped on the same wheel that is constantly going around and around. I want scenery and to experience more than the 2 seasons we get in Texas, cool and hotter than h*((.
That's what I want..now I have to figure out how and where to make it happen. I have read that the Butte/Silverbow area is the site of some EPA Superfund cleanups due to past mining. Is this an area that I need to shy away from because I have seen some tracts of land near Hackney that looks interesting.