Cup fan, here is just a few ideas. Just a few miles north of West Yellowstone take 287 north, past Quake Lake, stop at the visitors center, then continue up 287 to Ennis, wander Main street, eat at the soda fountain. If you decide to stay there (you are only a few miles from Virginia City at that point) there is the Ennis RV Village. If you decide to move on you can choose a state park at Lewis & Clark caverns (real nice) or go to Three Forks (Camp Three Forks). From there you are well situated to go to the caverns, headwaters state park or a short jaunt into the Bozeman area for the museums etc. You are also well placed to jump on I90 for your return and the battlefield. There are many things to do within that little loop, so do some homework. If I can help PM me