Does not include the USA but flights from the USA will only be at certain airports. Vancouver, Calgary,TO and I think Montreal. I would imagine that departing flights will be limited to those airports. I often wonder who and how these rules are dreamed up. Very confusing and there will be unintended consequences. Neither Canada or the USA has figured out how to handle the 300,000 truck drivers that cross daily. These drivers should be vaccinated starting Monday! I drive part time in the summer. Most of the time we are in our own little bubble. But truck stops are not hygienic and many hundreds of traveller's enter those facilities. There is also 50,000 persons crossing daily to work in either country
In the USA many people are maskless. So in one week close to 2 million drivers cross as compared to a possible much smaller group of vacationers. The Governments are afraid of affecting trade as well as the food supply of both nations.