If you want some suggestions, I suggest you add another week! You will be visiting a LOT of beautiful areas. I love New England, my mother grew up in upstate New York and lived in Vermont for a while. When we were kids we took a trip up through New England to Nova Scotia, Canada where my mom was born and it was AMAZING! June is a great time to go too, because the weather will be pretty good on average.
I would encourage you to reach out to the parks you are interested in and find out if you need reservations or not. If you don't need reservations, I wouldn't make any. I would hit my first attraction and stay until you feel that you've done what you wanted to do, then move along to the next one. Inevitably you will find that some parks and areas are gorgeous and you really want to stay an extra day or two. You will also find some areas to be less than you expected and might only stay a night and move on. If you aren't tied down by reservations, you are more free to "pick and choose" and enjoy your vacation more.
However you do it, I hope you have a great time. I want to do a trip up the coast in late summer or early fall in a couple years when my daughter is old enough to remember it.