Again, we avoided NE for several years because of comments about driving, parking, congestion, etc. Finally, after research and study using these RV sites, truckers' atlas and so forth traveled there for six weeks in the early fall of 2016. Didn't have the problems mentioned because of research. Drove our chevy 2500 up Mount Washington with problems. Park your rig and then drive the back country. We traveled to Boston from the north and used the Mass Turnpike back to I 81 and then south to Tennessee. Only problem was a head on wreck on the road to Acadia from the east. Got out the truckers atlas and did not follow police who were telling us the route to take.
We lived in Delaware before we started rving and would drive thru NJ and park at the NY Port Authority parking lot on the river across from Manhattan. They provide you with ferry across and special busses running certain routes in Manhattan. Back then it was not expensive and the parking lot was huge. Have not been there for several years so you should research NYPA.