We live in Massachusetts. My wife and I are in full quarantine waiting for our covid 19 test results. We returned from a 25 day Midwest road trip yesterday (Aug 15) at around 8am. We had our test set up at a local hospital for yesterday too. Those tests cost us $150 each which we had to pay out of our pocket. Results in 24 to 72 hours. We'll see. Until we get the results we must fully quarantine. We filled out the required Mass travel form, and have been getting text messages from the state reminding us of the returning traveler requirements. My opinion on these rules really don't matter though. I just don't want to get fined $500 per day for not following them.. Before entering this state I would strongly suggest you look up these Mass travel rules that took effect Aug 1.
Ok. To be fair. We took our tests yesterday aug 15, at 1020am.
We just received our negative results at 305pm today, aug 16. I am impressed.