There could be any number of reasons why the rules are there. If you are curious ask. If you don't like it, stay elsewhere. Too much draw can cause brownouts which can lead to dangerous conditions. I have seen a number of parks that charge an additional fee to run equipment that increases draw and costs. I have no issue with it. It keeps me from paying for something I might not use and possibly keeps the cg from having to up their overall rates.
Can those of you who ignore those rules explain to me why you are so special and don't have to abide by them? Does it matter to you that you could potentially be creating a dangerous situation or putting economic hardship on a campground that is going through a rough period? Tell me, please, if there's some sort of "list" that spells out who doesn't have to follow these rules so I can get on it and be special, too, or the one that states who can pick and choose which rules they want to follow?