We have made this trip 4 times but not in a few years. Take the inland route, interstate 81 south starting in PA end up on interstate 40 into Nashville. No way around some really steep and long and I mean really long grades on the interstates heading to Nashville so make sure your equipment is in good shape. The grand ole opry of course is great get your tickets on line ahead of time for the nights you will be there, you may want to go more than one time and you may not know who will there on any given night but it is always a good show and if get your tickets early enough you may get a front row seat. The Country Music hall of fame and all of downtown bars and restaurants are nice to visit. Last time we were there we took the river boat dinner cruse as well.Not sure where your thinking of staying but the Army corps (COE) campgrounds in the area are really nice but you need book now because the local folks get all the lake side sites. We always stay at J. Percy Priest Lake, Seven Points campground it is only a few miles from downtown and closer than that to the opry. There was a campground about a mile from the grand ole opry but I am not sure if it is still there and looked pretty much like a parking lot . Good luck and have a safe trip.