LOL! Ooopsy!
I didn't realize I was breaking the "code" and giving away somebody's campground. Haha... I looked and looked and really didn't find much other info about it online. Just one blurb that somebody had heard a cousins friends sister say something about issues there - so thought I'd ask. Sounds like you've had good experiences.
I was looking at the website for the Wilds and that made me start looking for camping spots in the area. That's how I found ReCreation lands. Very sorry! No intention on my part to divulge any "sensitive" or "classified" information! ;-)
Maybe I should PM you and ask if I could get a 35 footer in there someplace and if its normally very crowded?
I'm also aware of the Wayne National Forrest lands - as a matter of fact one area "Lecta/Timbre Ridge lake" is listed as a boondocking site. It just so happens that this one is located just a few miles from where my farm is (The "Farm" in Farm Camp) and I've been there many times. I gotta tell you - that is some beautiful country but I'm not exactly sure where you'd put a camper! To be fair I think the website says that camping is allowed - but there are no designated camping sites.
On edit I learned that Timbre Ridge is tent only. That makes sense then...
Anyway. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.