Wow, lots of GREAT info from you all! Many thanks! Maybe September is the time to go. Say right after Labor Day. Might miss the berries, but we're looking for when it will be warmest, driest and least crowded.
Will plan for a N-S run down the coast for sure. With a 36' trailer, we can't do a lot of spur of the moment maneuvers, but if we see some big openings, we could hit them. Most sight-seeing will be done without the trailer.
Air museum sounds cool. We won't be fishing. Whale watching from the rig would be great. Our best for that is backed in cuz our trailer is a toyhauler. Drop the ramp and enjoy the view!!
Anyone know of a beach or ocean view campspot where we'd fit backed in to a spot on the beach on edge of view with truck parked next to us?
I've got some homework to do!
Thanks again!