John & Angela wrote:
boondockdad wrote:
I know, calling a quick pit-stop for shuteye in a parking lot 'boondocking' is misleading... but I haven't found a better term, yet. Anybody?
I've had more than a few conversations with LEO's regarding 'boondocking' a parking lot for a short overnight stay. Without exception, they've all told me basically the same thing: they're not going to roust a camper in a Costco, Walmart, Cracker Barrel, etc.. if it's well off-hours.
I actually had one Deputy tell me he's aware of local CG proprietors who have either pushed ordinances through, or regularly call in complaints; he made a point to mention that he resents the idea of being some CG owners 'shylock'. A 'trespassing' citation for a quiet rig taking up a half-dozen parking spots out of a 1000 that are empty, isn't worth most LEO's time (and in some muni's trespassing wouldn't apply to the parking lot, anyway)
Same goes for 'disturbing the peace', I suppose. Getting a 'call' about some bozo honking his horn in a parking lot probably won't get a response.
Anyhow, who's complaining? A minor annoyance for 'free'. Come to think of it, I've had worse in CG's that I paid good money for...
In the meantime, it's pretty easy to get creative with asphalt boondocking- especially with satellite view in google maps.
I love saving yuan's.
Agree with total but the question needs to be asked why a cop would issue a citation for parking on private property at the invitation of the owner. Same as a casino or flying J. Permission has been asked and received. Unless of course there are local ordinances or leased land is involved. We don't stay at those places. The rest is by invitation and usually part of the business plan...especially for casinos. I doubt any campground is as secure as a casino parking lot. :) Lots of cameras, lots of lights and lots of roving patrols.
Good call on the private property thing! I am on my local land use board and when they built our WalMart a few CG owners came and wanted a ordinance to restrict overnighting. We determined that if WalMart was ok with it so would we as an ordinance would close the local truck stop to overnighting as well. The private property thing is the dealbreaker. If the store calls then the PD can handle it but if a CG owner was to complain, there is nothing the PD can do.