Well, I don't intend to hijack this thread, but has anyone ever considered an overnight at a hospital parking lot? Just stay low profile and keep your head inside the camper and no one will know you're sleeping. Everyone might just think you're parked there to visit someone or may be a patient yourself? It's just a thought.
Few years ago, we got the call my mother was "whacked-out" ... She denies it to this day, but the Dr.'s said it was a light heart attack. Oh well. Anyway, we were heading home anyway, got the call from my sister and my mother refused an ambulance drive to the hospital. We rolled up with the TT in tow, loaded her in it and got her to the closest emergency room. We sat in that hospital through most of the night, never thinking about the camper in the parking lot. Several hours later we left and went on home. But afterwards, I thought about it.... we "could" have been sleeping in that parking lot in our own beds, instead of those horrid chairs in the waiting area!
No one blows horns in hospital parking lots!