Dog Folks wrote:
big whitey wrote:
greenrvgreen wrote:
We all know that many Walmarts allow overnight parking in their lots. But are we really to the point where people who come there to shop need to be more considerate of the people sleeping there?
actually we are at the point where " EVERYONE " needs to be more considerate "PERIOD".
I would venture a guess that 90% or more of the overnighters at WMT are also customers.
Walmart stated a few years ago, that the average overnighter spends $87.00 in their store.
WalMart marketing revolves around getting you in the store and keeping you there. Why do you think that many Wal-Mart’s have nice bus stops in their parking lot?
In area of high Amish population they have an areas to tie up and water horses.
Why are some of the isles inside at a different angle? To keep you walking and looking at merchandise.
Why are there no clocks in Wal-Mart’s?
I am not knocking WalMart, I admire their marketing efforts. They know how to market.
The average Walmart store Grosses around $250,000 per day.($400 billion annual sales, 4200 stores) If there are 10 rigs overnighting (a high number) that is $870.00 of that quarter of a million per day. Doesn't exactly move the needle. The odds are very great that the average run of the mill Ford Taurus in the parking lot for 30 minutes is generating much more in sales than that Million Dollar Prevost taking up 10 parking spaces all night does. It is a great perk that Walmart offers RVers by allowing overnighting, but it is hardly material to their success or failure.