Forum Discussion

TexasShadow's avatar
Explorer II
Dec 22, 2014

Pima County, Tucson, AZ

I think I read on this forum some time ago..camping is allowed at this fairgrounds? or not?
if you have stayed there, will you give me a review?
  • If you are looking for a site for 3-4 days near Vail, then I would recommend the fairgrounds. $20/nite is hard to beat for a secure campground. We have stayed there a few times and have been happy with the park.

    We are spending the winter across the road from the fairgrounds at Adventure Bound RV Resort and it is about twice the cost per night on a daily basis. Their monthly rate is quite a bit cheaper than Voyager and is a much smaller park. We don't feel that comfortable in huge parks of 1800 sites or more. Just our preference.

    If you are into car restoration, then check out Hotrods on Houghton Rd for lunch.
  • Wow! It doesn't sound like many of you stay at fairgrounds. We have stayed at many throughout our travels and have enjoyed them.

    It really depends on what you're looking for in a park. Not everyone wants all the activities and not everyone wants to pay the high prices that the parks in Tucson require. The fairgrounds is a very safe park. You won't be alone and they do have security people. If you stay at the casinos they are in bad areas for security compared to the fairgrounds.

    One comment was that it's too remote. It's 16 miles from the very center of Tucson - on busy Broadway St. Voyager RV is 12 miles to the same spot. Not a big difference in my opinion.

    Yes, it's in a more rural setting than right in civilization and with some parks being next to the interstate like the KOA is. The Voyager is a packed park with RVs right next to each other amidst hundreds of Park models. Yes, it has activities and yes, it's very expensive if you don't want those activities.

    As stated, it's all in what you're looking for.
  • Thanks, folks,
    We're just looking for a place with hookups and parking..close to Vail, which it is, I think. I have a cousin living there and we'll be spending a couple or three days visiting before moving on to Vegas and Death Valley.
  • We stayed there for a week a couple years ago. It is kind of a parking lot setting but some spots do have shade if you get close to the "Midway Area".They have FHU, very quiet if there are no events scheduled and a GREAT Bargain if you don't need all the activities and amenities that Voyager & the like resorts offer . If we ever pass that way again we will stay there.
  • Pima County Fairgrounds: It all depends on what you are looking for in a campground. The fairground campsites are on gravel, no trees, 30/50 Amp FHU, no clubhouse, $400/month including electricity. Activities at the fairground.

    Voyager RV Resort: Standard 30/50 Amp Full Hookup Campsite: From $735.00 Per Month + electricity. Lots of activities, 1800 sites more or less with park models being in the majority.
  • azdryheat is right. We also live in the Tucson area and would recommend exactly what he did and maybe add Rincon West. There are a couple out on the real west end of town that I would not recommend for several reasons. Email or PM me if you would like.
  • With so many better rv parks in the Tucson area, the fairgrounds would be my last choice. Voyager RV Resort is nearby and is an award winning park. Also nearby is the KOA at Lazydays - another very nice park.
  • Yes, You can camp there. We were camped at one of the casino's and drove out to see what it was like. I did not like what I saw. Also too remote for me.
    You might want to check RV Park Reviews. Others might think different.
  • Yes, there's a huge campground at the fairgrounds. Here's the site:

    Tucson Fairgrounds RV Park

    Make sure you coordinate your visit with some of the large fairground special events. For instance, the Escapees RV Club is having their rally there in March.

    It's a nice location for visiting the Tucson area.