Western Iowa has the Loess Hills. We have the Iowa Great Lakes in the north, Spirit Lake and Okibogi with the oldest wooden roller coaster in Iowa. Along with Clear Lake where Buddy Holly plaid his last gig at the Surf Ballroom. Awesome place! Next door you have Mason City home to Meridith Wilson, the Music Man. Go south on 35 you will pass Ames to Des Moines which has the Saylorville Res. From there you can go to Winterset. East on 80 there in Iowa City, U of I and Cedar Rapids where the Coralville Res and Lake McBride are located. The flood of 93 created a fossil park there when the water went over the spillway. Go farther on 80 and you will reach the Mississippi River where there are many neat river towns. Go North to Northeast Iowa and you will have trout streams and the Upper Iowa and limestone bluffs to canoe and kayak past. Yes, we have many boring towns in flat country with downtown's that are dead but they all seem to have something every year they celebrate. Make the most.