I think I would like the water hose intake over the bilge type where the water suction is usually the bottom part of the pump assy. I probably would want a 12VDC pump over a 120VAC one.
I saw a whole line of water pumps at Walmart recently near where the battery display is. The water pumps are probably more associated with boats then anything else...
I have seen a couple of folks getting a spare WATER PUMP that is like the one in their trailer and use it for their portable water pump. Then they have a spare on-hand to use if needed...
We usually just travel with a small amount of fresh water in our tank and when we start getting close to our off-road camping spot will stop along the way in and fill the fresh water water.
When we are at hookup sites we use a regular water hose hooked up to the pedestal water spigot port and fill the fresh water tank in case we need it...
I can still lift our 5-gallon tote but do have a two wheeled cart to carry the 5-gallon tote in case we have to go very far to the bath house where water is usually available and wheel it back to the trailer when needed...
When camping off the power grid we usually tote our dirty water back to the bath room and pour down their toilet. Then bring back fresh water in our clean 5-gallon tote... Normally we use their toilet when camping off the power grid. My trailer does have the on-board cassette potti which has wheels on its tote and can be pulled to their toilet and poured down it...
Also we have never used our fresh water tank for consumption of water - only used for showers and dishes...
I'm sure everyone has their own routine haha...
Roy Ken