We've been here near Quartzite for a week now, and it's been fun.
Yesterday was particularly memorable.
We went into town to take showers in order to save on our holding tanks, and the power was out, so Love's was closed. We went looking for the bookstore we heard about east of the center of town. We found it.
Amazing place. Lots of old books and things. If you like books like we do, you could spend hours there. Author book signings going on out front.
I saw this unusual old skinny guy wearing a top hat. Sort of a riverboat gambler type top hat, not the Lincoln type, and what I thought was a pair of brown, wrinkled tights. Until I realized he was mostly naked from the waist down! His junk was in a pouch type thing hung from a cord around his waist. If memory had a 'delete' function, I would have used it....
Tourists were getting their picture taken with this guy, and there were drawings and such of him around the store, so I guess he's some kind of attraction. Go figure.
I whispered to my wife, who was completely unaware of this guy. I think she is still in denial; 'nope, didn't see that, uh-uh'.
While we were there, the power came back on, so we headed back to Love's, only to discover that they had no water now because of some construction going on next door. Realizing we were snake-bit, we decided to head back to our TT and try again the next day.