Some of the collateral effects of old Ian and the biblical rainfall he visited on much of Central Florida:
Failure of a number of water and sewage infrastructure facilities around the area. The City of Orlando has a restrict water usage order in effect, meaning they pretty much don't want you putting any water down any drain that connects to the sewer system. A 36" sewage force main transporting wastewater from 3 pump stations around the city failed catastrophically early Sunday morning. We experienced an 8" water main and 30" stormwater drain failure directly in front of our apartment Friday night, complete with a car that drove into the hole because the lighting is so dim he couldn't tell what was in front of him; no water geyser.
Given that Florida is fundamentally atop a limestone "sponge" and the subsurface soils are currently like oatmeal (especially the interior), I fear as the groundwater table lowers and things dry out, there's gonna be a whole lot of sinkholes going on.....and more water/sewer/stormwater/ natural gas line failures; or simply the earth moving under our feet.