PawPaw_n_Gram wrote: has been with the same provider since 1997.
That provider is Reserve America, and 1997 they won the first contract with the National Park Service. Other federal agencies have come on line since, a huge contract was the US Forest Service in 2005.
In 2009, Reserve America was purchased by Active Networks.
In 2013/14 - the Recreation.Gov interface was moved closer to the Reserve American interface (how the web page looks), but did not implement some Active Networks options now seen on Reserve America.
The search changed slightly - one thing which bothers me is that I can no longer search on a large area for a specific type of site - such search an entire state for 50A/W/S sites.
I've only had problems with banners and such blocking parts of the page due to the way certain web browers are setup. Safari is one which doesn't always 'play nice'. There are some others.
I thought Warren Myer (Coyote blog) who runs campgrounds out west commented they he had to have his people (working at Federal CG) go out and rephotograph all the sites. That was because the contract changed hands and the old contract owner took all that data with him. But I cannot find that quote. His site is poorly indexed.
The contract was up for bid in 2014 tho.
LinkBut I haven't found a link saying who won the bid. However I found one saying that the website changes were made in 2013-4 so that doesn't seem to be linked to the RFP.
I have to say that the site has improved, meaning you can now make reservations fairly easily so they fixed some of the bugs from the change-over.