As the article quoted points out, the hours where a reservation are required are not as restrictive as in 2020. For general entry into Rocky, reserve entry is between 9am and 3pm, with the Bear Lake Road corridor 6am to 5pm. This is an improvement over last year. The capacity for parking lots and the shuttle system has also been increased.
In spite of the reservation system, Rocky still remains a popular destination. The system was put in place in 2020 in response to Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines. They are continuing those restrictions, albeit not as restrictive, again this year. And as the year progresses, it could be that the restrictions are evaluated on a rolling basis and some changes may occur.
Personally, I didn't have a problem getting a reservation for the times that I wanted to get in last year. And if you want to beat the system altogether, just go in prior to 9am. That's a good suggestion anyway; in a normal year the lines would be long at 9am, so get up earlier and beat the rush.