The more I read and become knowledgeable of COVID-19, the more I realize this will be the biggest catastrophe to endanger our nation since WWII and the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. We're at war with this gremlin or at least should be. It won't be over anytime soon. Anyone that thinks it will be over quickly is a fool. Expect many months of this to move across the land as it surely will. The restriction in place now are meant to lower the peak because there's no way people needing to be hospitalized will be able to find a bed if it spikes here as it did in Italy. Listen to professionals and kept away from others as much as possible - no exceptions! This is as serious as a heart attack and should be treated as such. It's much better to over-react and nothing happens to end up with COVID-19 needing hospitalization and possibly an undertaker. THIS IS LIFE AND DEATH. DON'T TRIVIALIZE IT.
MODERATOR'S EDIT: Per the site Admin's request, I am closing all COVID-19 threads and directing future comments to one thread in Around the Campfire: 2019–20 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC POSTINGS