Thom02099 wrote:
My guess, and only a guess, is that the "other" category for cards would be also be available for Diners Club and perhaps Carte Blanche cards. Diners Club is now in use again, and Carte Blanche may have some users internationally, as well as "other" cards.
My other guess is that, if you choose "other" and put in your Visa or MasterCard number, it will also be accepted. Card recognition is based on the first series of numbers in the card; I don't think the software program that RA is using cares whether you select the "proper" card type, it will recognize the number.
Your scenario sounds perfectly logical, as long as their merchant processing company is setup to accept the variety of "other" cards you've described. All they'd have to do is flag it as not an accepted form of payment in response to you hitting the PAY button if a specific card type was not in their portfolio.
Back when I was running my own online retail company I used Paypal for most of my CC processing since that covered nearly 100% of my eBay transactions, Amazon processed their own, and what was left was too small a dollar amount to worry about the 2.5% Paypal was charging me. Plus I was well-versed in their rules related to charge-backs.