Without expanding on the technique of using said site, which I contribute heavily to, it is only 1 site of 5 I use. (The more data the more informed the decision.) TripAdvisor, Yelp, RV Parky (iPad app) & a very new site called Campendium all offer reviews. As a full timer exploring new areas, these sites are invaluable. You will find the demographics of the users of these sites differ greatly. For what it is worth, I stumbled upon an absolute gem of a park (we only want the very best) in a surprising location on a short dinghy drive about a year ago. It was not listed in rvparkreviews. Glowing reviews at 2 of the aforementioned. The park I am sitting in right now (a condo park with many sites available for rent) is not listed in any of the 5 review sites. Our current site may well be the nicest we have ever had. $30/night. SoCal desert near Cajon Pass.