As others have said, you have to read between the lines and it depends on your wants and needs. When someone complains that they could not get a satellite signal then I know there are lots of trees which is a must for me as we like being in the woods. I can deal with a low hanging branch or two. The parks we dislike the most are the ones with lots of long term tenants (with junk everywhere) and big gravel sardine can parking lots with hookups even tho we have used those to be very close to something we want to do. It all depends on what you are doing. If we are camping, hiking and cooking outside we use a COE CG on the lake or a state park. If we want to be close to the action of some type of event we don't care if another RV is 10 feet away. In that case we are inside with the AC on anyway and would not know the other RVs were 10 feet or 100 feet away. We have found RVParkreviews very useful. Look at the reviews and ignore all the 10 stars and the 1 stars and average the rest.