jerseyjim wrote:
After going thru this site for info, laughs, whatever, I usually access
In a general sense, most of the complaints are about the Wi-Fi systems. The "camping" itself seems to take second or third place.
And...God forbid one has to turn the steering wheel because a corner is kinda tight.....
Since I've started full timing, I've found RVParkReviews invaluable. What may be minor to a weekend camper, can be major to someone who's on the road all the time.
For example, no WiFi means no email, on-line banking, etc. And about those "kinda tight" corners . . . there have been several campgrounds I've been at that have advertised themselves as "big rig friendly" -- but were not. Had a "kinda tight" corner in a recent campground that nearly caused a tire failure.
There are also "destination" campgrounds (where you stay a while) and "one-nighters" for just passing through. In both cases it's good to know about WiFi and bad corners.
jerseyjim wrote:
But what REALLY interests me is the different reviews of the same place....same month...maybe the same day. Reviewer # 1 says how lousy the place is....Reviewer # 2 says it's the next place to Heaven!
That's why police separate witnesses. Some stories may be more accurate than others. Read the reviews critically.