Dog Folks wrote:
BarbaraOK wrote:
So something in one of your posts was edited out huh?
Tell us about the better site you have found for park reviews.
I just find the censorship to arbitrary. I not going to spend my time writing a review only to have the entire review turned away or not posted. iT is just a waste of time.
You want my opinion, fine, but don't zap it because you don't agree. I for one will not contribute to the sites success any longer.
Edited more than once. No matter how politely you may speak against a certain park staff member/or owner, it will never get posted. I am NOT speaking of a rant, but a listing of the facts.
One new review site is coming on line. (I don't have anything to do with it)
It would sure help (or hurt) your position if you would tell us what was edited out. If you made personal comments regarding the staff, it probably will be edited out, because it can become the basis of a libel lawsuit. For example, even if you believe it to be a fact, you cannot just put in a line that says "the owner of XYZ park is a child molesting, drunken, terrorist who is going to blow up an office building next week." The publisher of that information (the website) does have an obligation to not allow libelous postings.