westernrvparkowner wrote:
Dog Folks wrote:
nodine wrote:
JoeH wrote:
I too have had a review rejected/censored with the reason being " what you experienced may have been a one time event" . (I had placed many reviews on the site in the past.)
In this review ,I posted that the power/voltage was good, the water pressure proper, rest rooms clean. I complained that the staff was rude in my review and as a result, the review was not posted due to the above "reason". Why I said the staff was rude was we had called for a pull thru to accommodate our 43 ft MH pulling a pickup. They said no problem. We got there and they put us in 2 back to back sites, still no problem. They instructed us to pull out thru the site across from us to get back on the access/exit road as the roads were very narrow . OK, no problem, that is until they rented the site that we were supposed to exit thru. Why they did this is a mystery as the park was about 2/3 empty. I went to the office and the staff member that had told us we needed to exit thru the site said we'd just have to wait until those campers left. I explained that we were leaving early in the morning as we had a full day of driving ahead of us the next day. She said too bad, you'll just have to wait. I went to the new campers that were in the site that we were to exit thru and explained the situation and they went to the office and told them they were moving. As you can see the staff was not helpful. So that's what I put in review--- which was rejected.
I can only imagine that this park was a sponsor of some type for RVPARKREVIEWS hence, the censorship of the less than positive review I wrote.
I will never use RVPARKREVIEWS again, knowing that the website manager censors truthful reviews. You just can't trust what they choose to publish
It would appear that RVParkReviews should be about the facility and not the personnel. Sometimes you get a work camper who is having a bad day and takes it out on the customers. That does not mean that the person working the registration desk the next day will treat customers the same way. On the other hand, if the power has low voltage or the water is the color of tea then you can bet it will be that way for some time.
I do not agree. Staff and in my case, the owner, are an integral part of the campground, and their actions, both good an bad determine the overall experience. They should also be part of the review.
Why would the owner of a campground be an integral part of your experience? I don't interact with 99% of our guests. Would that earn my parks a bad review from you?
Well, maybe not you, but many owners react with the campers on a daily basis. If I don't see them, then of course, they are not part of the experience.