Dog Folks wrote:
camper_ron wrote:
dieharder wrote:
I have seen plenty of reviews that discussed rude interactions between campground personnel and clients. I'm tempted to believe that there might be more to the story about the rejected reviews.
I tend to be very specific, so when I mentioned some individuals by name and was informed of my egregious error. I edited out said names re-submitted and it was posted.
I mean no disrespect to you.
By removing the names the offending person that person is now cloaked and unknown. That is what I mean about selective censorship with this site.
If naming names in a vulgar, or possibly libelous way, then remove it. If not, the truth, and just the facts, are an absolute defense against libel.
For this site to be believable , and have any value, these names need to be allowed.
Absolutely not. No names, ever. That would just be allowing people to slander others anonymously, since there is no mechanism to verify any of the comments made on any review site.