Forum Discussion

jamesu's avatar
Mar 08, 2019

Salt Creek Campground

In January we made reservations for Salt Creek Campground West of Port Angeles, WA for March 11-17 for our close-to-home “shake-down” trip to de-winterize and to get ready for the camping season. Two months ago the middle of March should have been the beginnings of Spring.

The Port Angeles area got snow-slammed in the big February storm, and now this week this part of the State has been getting daily sloppy, wet, white stuff overnight that is gone by noon.

My question: because the P.A./Joyce area got so much snow last month am I towing into a mess this coming Monday? Did all the snow from the big February storm get a chance to melt at Salt Creek Campground before all the sloppy stuff this week may have added to the total? If I decide to cancel I need to be researching how to get my Clallam County reservations $$ back and also how not to get penalized $30 each way for missed Port Townsend ferry reservations.

I know no P.A. locals, otherwise I would just called them for this snow info.
  • Roy&Lynne wrote:
    Could you call and ask.

    I called both Clallam Co. Parks & Salt Creek Campground. All I got were recordings. My TT has a “4 Seasons” sticker next to the back door. I’m good. It’ll be an adventure.
  • Yes. Been watching the forecasts, and this week hopefully isn’t more of the same. Chances of towing 101 and backing into campsite in the snow look less this week. 32 deg on my porch thermometer at 630am.
  • I am not sure what you are asking but you can not go wrong with Salt Creek we camp hosted there and it is outstanding.