We personally would be very happy the leaf blowing guy had enough pride to keep his site/area decent and clean. Want to see what those who don't? Take a trip down skidrow or the inner cities or down the back roads in the Kissimmee or about anywhere in Florida and you'll get the idea real quick!
PS: We bring an electric 220 MPH leaf blower with us every year and keep our huge site very clean as we are surrounded boy live oaks (PIA small leathery leaves everywhere), very tall extreme long needle pines that drop with sticky sap ends poked under grass roots every time the wind blows even 10 MPH, and the filthy palmettos that drop their brown branches etc at will. Our neighbors thank us and 3 have gone to Wally World and bought their own to keep their place clean too. It's addictive and the type of neighbors we want around us! Even keep our large property at home cleaned up too. How about you?