Forum Discussion

Galen_Manapat's avatar
Aug 10, 2013

Sort of a new camper

My wife and I have tent camped over the years, primarily to save money, while traveling the Quebec to Florida eastern seaboard. I can't believe how much tenting costs these days.

A few months back a state park in Pompano Beach Fla. charged us $40.00 per night. Made me not even want to come back to Florida. We used to camp for $6.00 - $8.00 a night. (The Army Corps of engineers sites once were free for up to two weeks).

Since I am getting closer to retirement, we might eventually switch to a towed pop up camper which would make setting up and leaving quicker and easier.

How can you camp/travel at lowest cost? Any tips or advice?
  • Also look for deals like 'arrive sunday, stay monday and get tuesday free', some of those special offers are nice and help the cost. Some private cgs, if you get a promotion etc. can be as cheap as state parks etc.

    also be smart on spending for everything. eat at the campsite, don't eat out.
    take food from home, don't shop special.

    like everyone said, nothing is cheap anymore. we all find ways to have our hobbies and enjoy them best we can.
  • NJ State CGs used to be $10 a night up until about 5 years ago, and then they doubled the price. On top of that, they now use a web-based reservation system that costs $7 to reserve. And NJ State CGs have no utilities on their sites.
  • Bob & Ann wrote:
    Dog Folks is pretty well right on. Camping is not as cheap as it was years ago. However nothing is as cheap as it was years ago. I miss buying gas at 25 cents a gallon but we still like to travel.

    That is the truth. When gas was $.29 cents, my pay was $1.25 an hour!
  • Dog Folks is pretty well right on. Camping is not as cheap as it was years ago. However nothing is as cheap as it was years ago. I miss buying gas at 25 cents a gallon but we still like to travel.
  • 1. Passport America
    2. Stay longer to get weekly or monthly rates
    3. Get pass to COE parks. 50% off most sites.
    4. Expect $25.00 per night average without above. $6.00-$8.00 days are gone with $.29 cent per gallon gas.
    5. Careful choices. Do you research. Stay away from big cites that have major attractions.

    Would you share the name of the state park in Pompano Beach @ $40.00 per night? I can't find any in that town, on the Florida State Parks website. Perhaps it was a private park and you were confused? Thanks.
    There are many many parks in Florida as low as $10.00 per night, (monthly rate) but of course, they will not be on the ocean.