Either of your locations will be infested with massive crowds of teenagers and college age students. The locations you are considering will be packed for about a 6 week period as spring break occurs different for each school district in the US.
I don't know about your kids, but mine were never into activity, outdoors, or anything that required the use of energy. My son was more than happy to bury himself into video game electronics, my daughter just buried herself. ANYTHING we wanted to do, she was against it and fought it all the way. The only thing she had an interest in was horseback riding. (funny though ... she ended up getting her degree in Equestrianism (Horses) from Ellsworth Community College in Iowa Falls, IA. My son became a computer programmer, makes more money than I do now, and he's 30 years younger!
So you know, before making plans ... ask the kids what they want to do. It just might shape their futures.