However, since we winter in Florida almost on the Suwannee River close to Manatee Springs and go to Cedar Key several times, and owned a place in Florida for 19 years, let the truth be known!
We get out of there and head back north as soon as the temps get up over the low 80's there as the humidity and bugs also matches it and the un-comfort just get worse from there as the discomfort increases and almost daily rains intensifying the humidity until the next December. Quadruple YUCK! The locals also hate the heat and humidity and the swarms of bugs and biting bugs and why those who can also head north so they can breath. We have lots of family living in central and South Florida since the 1960's and they dread summer coming as all they do is hide inside in the A/C and out of the extreme heat and humidity and away from the bugs.
Not that we haven't been in Florida in the summer as we used to visit for a few weeks but learned personally and got so much smarter and won't even consider it again! Hey, the family down there still own several CG's in Florida and they know. Many Florida CG's close during the summer and the owners also even go north to escape the heat and humidity. Wonder why? Most open CG's are nearly ghost towns during the summer and fall anyway so why should they stay open and have choking electric bills from RV's 24/7 multiple A/C's running with so little revenue coming in? Losing money knowingly isn't very smart! Straight from lots of Florida CG owner's mouths!
However, lucky for full time Floridians,
Since the snowbirds are now gone, fortunately, you still in Florida can have about any site you want in the still open CG's! Note! Most of the CG's used in summer there are at flowing springs as the colder spring flowing water to emerge in is why, but you can't stay in them 24/7 all summer!