Luke Porter,
Last time I'd seen the list, there were over 50 CG's that were closed during the summer months in Florida but I don't remember the exact number so I can't give it. It was at an "association meeting" I was at with a family member who is a CG owner in Florida. Many were not "snowbird" CG's either and the low occupancy numbers plus the much higher use of electric added up to losing money by not closing down and not needing any of the employees either who also have to be paid. Strictly a smart business decision based on the facts and lower revenue during the hot summer months.
Another comment made was that it also gives time to do repairs needed and altering sites when needed. Not worth discussing it with all the wish "they knew it all" blowhard posters on this forum thread! Ignorance is bliss!
Guess you'll know which ones are closed when you get an answering machine or no answer at all when you call them or they tell you they are closed for XXX! Not going to comment further as it doesn't even concern me personally. Seems, I shouldn't have even named one of them, a very nice well kept CG! Just not worth it! End of topic for me!