travelnuts ---- hate to tell you but you are showing your lack of knowledge of AZ. I am sitting here south of Tucson at 3000 feet elevation looking at a 9500 foot peak in the Santa Rita Mountains from my back patio. I can be up there at base level of 6000 feet for a hike or picnic anytime in 1/2 hour. AZ is full of mountains. I have heard, but cannot document, that AZ has more peaks over 10,000 feet than any state in the nation.
I would, as would many, rather tolerate the heat in the summer with a/c than cold, snow and ice in the winter as do you - and as I did for my life up until age 55 in MN and WI.
That being said and on subject I would check Show Low or Flagstaff areas. Show Low has Fool Hollow State Park which is great for your fishing but you are time limited on your stay. But good fishing. And golf around there as well.