Glad you got a site. It's been a very abnormally chilly summer around here this year and it must have discouraged a lot of campers from going to the U.P. for the Riverbend CG to be only 80% booked for Laborday weekend this close. Bringing warm clothes is very smart as you can't put them on if or when needed if you didn't take them along.
We'll be heading up to the U.P. again for 3-4 weeks about mid-September depending on the weather between now and then. About a week in Riverbend CG at Tahquamenon SP, a few days in Muskallonge SP CG on Lake Superior north of Tahquamenon, H-58 to Grand Marais and on to Munising (Pictured Rocks) and on to the Porkies for a few days, then south the Fayette SP on Lake Michigan for a day or so, then over to Indian Lake SP at Manistique CG for a couple days. May go up to Copper Harbor to Ft Wilkins for a day or two if the spirit moves us that way. Missed it last year! No schedules or reservations for us and we'll get back home when we get there! Wash clothes, do what needs to be done for a couple days, re-pack the RV and head north for a couple weeks up to the Straits area (top of the L.P.) and work our way south following the peak color back home along Lake Michigan. Life is really tough!
If I may ask? Which CG and which site did you reserve at Tahquamenon? In the Lower Falls Lower CG (Riverbend), sites 1 thru 19 would be the wetter if it rains a lot and also would be the most likely to have any skeeters as those sites are along the river. The center sites are the nicest in our opinion as they are high and dry and grassy with plenty of trees. Rivermouth and the Lower Falls Overlook CG sites are basically all alike.
If it interests you, they have a micro brewerey at the Upper Falls that makes it's brews from crops and fruit that is grown right in the area. Their blueberry beer is absolutely great and their peach beer is very good too. They make light and dark beers and ale. Food at the restaurant there is very good also.