Many years ago, I decided to take the family to South Carlsbad for Thanksgiving. We camped in a tent and had a wonderful meal. That night, a very strong storm hit the beach, and we had a tremendous amount of rain. DW and I were in a double sleeping bag on a double air mattress, and the two boys had their own bag and air mattress.
We didn't realize it at the time, but the campsite we were in had a dirt berm all the way around it. When the rain started falling, our campsite flooded, and the next thing you know, our air mattresses are floating! ABANDON TENT! We ran to the car, but it was already too late. We were soaked. Fortunately, an older couple next to us had a large trailer, saw our plight, and offered us accommodations for the rest of the night. We packed our soggy camping gear and clothes the next morning and headed home.
Quote from DW, "If you ever want to take me camping again, we'll be in a trailer won't we?". Come to think of it, we got rid of the tent not too long after that and purchased our first TT.
Have a great holiday, and hope you stay dry.