Forum Discussion

Retired48's avatar
Sep 30, 2020

Traveling in Winter

Looking for advice and insight for our 1st trip:
We will be leaving upstate NY in late December for a 3 month trip/stay in Florida . We plan on spending two nights getting there.
Our class c has been winterized and will be when we leave. I am looking for any and all advice on the do,s and don’ts.
Thanks in advance
  • Hotel use for the first few nights, I check on Google earth to make sure I have plenty of room for the motor home with tow car
  • The same as above, sometimes when you stop for the first night you can put water in the tank if the weather is good.
  • We do this every winter. It is usually 20 degrees when we leave New England so we stay winterized until nighttime temperatures are above freezing. We take a 2 gallon jug of fresh water for drinking and washing and leave a gallon of RV antifreeze in the bathroom for flushing. Usually by the second night we fill the fresh water tank and are good to go.

  • Watch the weather reports and don’t dewinterize until you are sure temps will stay above 30F. Enjoy!