I've traveled without a toad, and generally not found it to be a big drawback for me (emphasis on for me...different people have different needs and desires), though there are a few times it is a significant consideration for planning where to stay, where to go, and what to do. The longest trip by far was from Vermont up to and around Alaska and back.
I have put some miles on shoe leather over the course of several trips. I have occasionally used a bicycle, too, which can often be a nice compromise; a bike rack on the back of the motorhome is a lot less of an annoyance in maneuvering, etc. than a towed car.
I think generally if you're one who likes to move every few days or so then a towed car is much less of a help or necessity than if you like to spend a relatively long time at a given spot. It's a lot easier to stock up on groceries, say, if you can do it along the way to your next destination than if you have to unhook everything, drive the motorhome a couple miles to the local supermarket, and drive back and hook everything back up. It also depends somewhat on how much you do to set up and break down camp; simplify that and getting away for the day often becomes a little easier.