I am trying to break up the winter boredom by starting to do some early planning for our summer 2016 trip. No Better time.
I am looking at a East to West trip. Great
I would be starting in Canada near Detroit. OK
I would probably take Route66/I40 down and take I80 back. Let's think about this - with 6 weeks you will likely be tight.
I am planning on not following these routes exactly, just using them as rough paths. Which might mean you will neander a bit.
I plan on allowing 4-6 weeks in the summer, due to work I cannot change the time of year or length and we really want to get out west while the kids are young as the wife and kids have never been west of the Mississippi. Works just need to know you will be with a large Majority of the RV'ing public and will need to plan accordingly.
From years of past experience we know that 6hr driving per day for most days works for us for driving (3hr drive in the AM, lunch/gas, 3hr drive in the PM with time for dinner/relax in the Evening) on driving days. Great thought, but you may want to stretch the days when there is little to see or do -- this will add quality time in the spots you have come to see.
We also know that we want to spend most of the trip across the country driving with minimal stops, and spend as much time as possible hitting the big landmarks out west like 1Grand Canyon, 2Vegas, 3Hoover Dam, 4Disneyland, 5Hollywood, 6Sequoia NP, 7San Francisco, 8Napa, 9Yosemite NP. These nine stops will burn most of your time and you will have seen little of the "Country". ( little math 5 days out + 5 days back + 18 - 21 days on these stops = 28 - 31 days+ or almost 5 weeks. Suggest you define the mission a little clearer. JMHO
Because we are a family, we will likely make most stops at family friendly full hookup locations like KOA type parks where the kids can unwind after a long day in the car. OK, any chance to talk everyone into a couple late/long days, so as to add a day or two to the stopping side of the trip?
We also like seeing any kinds of sights natural and built but are looking for "bucket list type ideas". So I have a series of questions for planning a trip this big and cross country:
1) would you plan every stop, plan just the big stops with a rough amount of time to get there or just go with the flow. I been doing this for 50 years and have always just gone with the flow - every time we have needed to be somewhere by a certain day we have always had to miss or shorten our stay some where along the way.
2) how far in advanced do you need to book to get into some of the big places like Grand Canyon. Not in my wheelhouse. but from what I understand it is/can be difficult.
3) are there alternate places to get the same WOW of Grand Canyon, Sequoia and Yosemite without the big summer crowds. NO - that's why they are the National Parks.
Or are there other suggestions for minimizing the crowds at these big attractions ie time of day, days of the week etc. Weekends are always more crowded in major attractions, so they are good times for longer travel days.
4) any suggestions on roads to take, sights to drive past, stop and take a picture at, stay an extra night to see along the way. You have not give the ages of the kids, is it at all possible to make this two trips? You have left out of your itinerary, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, these are normally on everyones list on a trip out west. (not meaning to slight Oregon and Washington) So just saying, you might need a little more time, it's a really BIG AREA you are driving through and it has hundreds and Hundreds of things you might enjoy.
If I started on the roads to take you might never get back home. (12,128,191,120,PCH..................)
5) The family wants to try boondocking in the desert. I would be interested in some 1 night along the way options for semi-boondocking, maybe minimal serviced, well spread out, official campgrounds that will give the family the "in the middle of the desert" with no hook-ups feel. Let's not try the desert -- might just try a State Park or a reservoir along the way with minimal services, not sure about your rig but in the Summer electric might be critical. (HEAT)
I have tried to answer the questions and stay on task but, now I'll just throw in a couple a crazy thoughts.
Lets not make California the Center of this trip. Look instead at the Rockies and the great spots you can visit without Sweating, in the HEAT!
Spots like Yellowstone
Maybe slide into the San Juan's with a side trip into Utah - you can get back to the Mountains and cool off without a lot of trouble.
Pick out a number of State Parks along the way.
Look for lakes and Rivers along the way to give the Kids things to do. (Lot's of State Parks and reservoirs)
Grand Tetons
Jackson Hole
Custer/ Mt Rushmore
Red Lodge
Dinosaur NM
Flaming Gorge
Colorado NM
Colorado River
Crested Butte
Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP
Mesa Verde
Great Sand Dunes NP
I could go on and on but I think you get the idea, It's over 2300 miles just to LA so you will have little time to spend doing anything other than driving with your 300 mile days.
Hope I didn't rain on your plans but as most of us do we really try to load the plate then find we just don't eat it all or see it all let's pick the mission a little better/closer, then get back to us for guidance.