upmm019 wrote:
Never been to Colorado and considering making a trip in few weeks.
Looking to rent a drivable RV (off RV Share) and do not want to get in over my head as I have never driven anything larger than a standard pickup truck.
I have two dogs (40lbs ea) so will need something with a bit more space and I do not want to travel too far or deep into Colorado but close enough to get a feel for it. Certainly no mountain/pass driving. Perhaps that will limit me forsure.
Looking for suggestions of places to stay or visit that this time of year would be good, have room and maybe dog friendly (i.e. dog parks, etc).
Not wanting to drive in the mountains or passes pretty much limits you to the eastern plains and foothills area along the I-25/Front Range corridor. Think Fort Collins area down to Denver to Colorado Springs to Pueblo.
And even in these areas there's going to be limitations on where you can stay. USFS campgrounds are not an option, since they are mostly in the mountains and closed/closing for the season. Rocky Mountain National Park also not an option as you have to drive in the mountains to get there and then the best part of the park -- is the mountains. And the main campground there, Moraine Park only has one loop open since Glacier Basin has closed for the season.
Probably your best option would be Colorado State Parks
at this CPW link. From north to south, consider Boyd Lake State Park in Loveland, St. Vrain State Park outside Longmont, Cherry Creek and Chatfield State Parks in the Denver area, Cheyenne Mountain State Park in Colorodo Springs, Mueller State Park west of Colorado Springs (a bit of a drive in the mountains but certainly not at all difficult), all as options. All of them have at least one loop still open/open all year. BUT -- COLORADO STATE PARKS REQUIRE RESERVATIONS. There are no first come/first served in any of these parks. The website above will provide information on reservations and you can search to see what might work for you.
Aside from the state parks, there's also some commercial rv parks to consider, mainly in the area around Golden (just west of Denver) and in the Colorado Springs area.
Here - Campground Reviews is a good place to start.
As to the RV rental you're considering, keep in mind that you may have to pay a pet premium to rent something, and there's going to be limitations on where the fur friends can accompany you. State Parks again are a good choice, as there are only the usual pet restrictions,(must be on a 6ft leash, can't be left unattended).
Weather is also a factor to keep an eye on. For the next 2 weeks, at least along the Front Range/I-25 corridor, current forecast is for highs in the 60s/lows in the 40s generally, but that can change dramatically. Last year we had a huge snowfall in October so it's something to be aware of. Forecast for the mountains calls for a huge storm possible in the mountains that could dump FEET of snow.