Kids usually have a different perspective on what they like than we adults might appreciate. I know I wasn't a fan of looking at sites from the seat of a car and could only wait until we got somewhere that I could get out and play. While watching a few geysers erupt or visiting some of the thermal features in Yellowstone is something everyone should experience while young, don't miss out on finding ways to view the wildlife (from a safe distance of course). In Yellowstone, there are various places to observe elk, buffalo and even the occasional moose. Go to Fishing Bridge to see the trout swimming. Heck, a picnic on the lake shore is also something kids really like.
For some other caves to visit, how about the Black Hills? Both Jewel Cave and Wind Cave are interesting for young kids and there are buffalo herds at Custer State Park. Of course Mt. Rushmore is worth some time also. Head from there south to Denver.
Wherever you stay, make reservations NOW as popular destinations are already mostly booked for the summer.