So, to filter the point further - in those rare states where it is legal to overnight in one of their highway rest stops - and where their rest stops have those long angular parking lanes painted on the asphalt clearly meant for "long vehicles" - I guess some of you are maintaining the position that RVs that don't need all of that long length shouldn't overnight in those long parking spots just in case a big rig that really needs most of that length should want it sometime during the night instead? Hmmm. ....
P.S. I for one think the Nation uses long haul big rig trucking way too much anyway. Railroad transportaion should be revisited and used much more ... and even expanded by reopening long abandoned routes or - here's a new concept - laying new track routes if needed to eliminate as much long haul big rig trucking as possible. Take a look at the cost per pound to haul freight via railroad car and then compare it to the costs of using other ways of transporting freight. I believe that carrying freight over the oceans in big ships is the only way to beat railroad car costs for transporting freight. (I could be wrong, though.)